Max Kalb Software Engineer

About Projects Proposal

About Me

I live in Darmstadt (Rhine-Main Region / Germany)

I studied Optical Technologies and Image Processing. I Did two degrees, a Diplom Engineer (FH) 2006 and a Master of Science 2011. Besides working in the industry as a software engineer with image processing based applications and hardware. Mostly I developed C++/Qt desktop applications for hardware devices such as 3D scanners, optical wavefront sensors and analogue film scanners. Recently I do a lot of Dev-Ops for AWS and docker based backend and edge computing applications. If you are looking for some one with skills in signal prosessing, that's what I am ...


I develop applications for all popular desktop operating systems. I'm familiar with cross plattform and mobil-webapp development.


I hacked for a lot of C++/Qt desktop applications. Furthermore I do bash scripting, HTML/CSS & JS and I have a lot of Python experience.


VS Code, Qt-Creator, Eclipse, Git/-Ops, Travis, Gitlab & Jenkins CI/CD, Docker, AWS and ... I'm an expert in automation & DevOps ;)

Featured Projects

IoT Sensing Solutions

Actually I work for DB Systel GmbH as a Software & DevOps Engineer. I work as a deployment and backend engineer for IoT based monitoring solutions. We enable customers to publish IoT sensor data into DB infrastructure for digital twin applications as a part of DSD. I was also part of a team that developed solutions for AI driven predictive maintenance based on acoustic infrastructure monitroring.

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Analogue Film Digitalization

I maintained the software of the analogue film scanner Scanity for several years. This included a lot of application and infrastructure modernization (DevOps). A custom jenkins CI pipeline with specialized linux & windows slaves, issue tracking, scm modernization, release management and packaging were essential parts of my work. Besides fixing issues and implementing some new features.

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Adaptive Optical Image Processing

I programmed some software parts of a research project at the university of applied science h_da. Main purpose of the optical system is to measure wavefront aberrations of the human eye, while correcting them in real time with an adaptive optical mirror using a closed loop algorithm. Finally we published a case report, detecting eye aberration changes during diabetes treatment with the system.

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Structured-light 3D Scanner

I was part of the development for a zirkonzahn cad-cam system. I did some optical design as well as optical component layout. Additionally I did a lot of coding and some software architectural parts. Mainly I optimized 3D capture routines and implemented early UI prototypes according to customer design specs. Furthermore I did some third party RPC integrations for the scanner API.

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Personal Proposal

  • A creative engineer with enthusiasm
  • Clean, structured and re-usable source code
  • Precise and issue related code change tracking
  • Excellent documentation in portable formats
  • Continuous integration and stable deployments
  • Topical modernization and cloud migrations
  • DevOps and infrastructure modernization
  • Containerized full stack development
